
Showing posts from July, 2010

Men & Women & Blinds

Men, Women & Blinds     Each of us sees things in an unique way. When it comes to window coverings there are significant differences between the sexes.   What I am about to say is not about ALL men or ALL women but rather a quiet observation.        Many men seem to prefer blinds over fabric curtains. This might be because blinds are mechanical and fabric has different associations for them. (too girly) Given a choice, and many men do not get to make these choices.... men prefer darker colours, and wood over fabric. Natural wood over vinyl that looks like wood is also a favourite.     I have a small theory about this. For men home is a safe place. A place where they can let down their guard, be themselves. Home reflects the cave of antiquity where they rest after the rigours of combat in the world. To put it another way -  after the dangers of the hunt, downtime and rest is needed to restore the energie...

Window Treatments as Indicators of Trends

Roman Blinds and Whiteness One of the best things about window treatments is how every one does something unique to their interior space while often appearing to have something similar to everyone else's in the neighbourhood. Sometimes this is mandated by condo's for a more uniform look and maybe an increase in home values. What am I talking about?       White. I am talking about white to the outside on every blind. Sameness. Uniformity. Or the illusion of fitting in. A sea of white to the outside in a suburban neighbourhood. But. Inside. The current drama unfolds.  What is really interesting is how people are drawn to certain kinds of treatments. For instance ask yourself - what do you really need at the window? Privacy? Flexibility? Light control?Drama? Practicality?Vision? More recently people have favoured existential window treatments - Romans. What does that mean? An all or nothing approach to things. Either up or down. Completely h...

Lace window coverings decorating design ideas

Lace at the window     Okay. I know this is a trifle old fashioned, but note how effective this is at allowing light in while privacy is maintained. Yes. This is exactly what your grandmother might have placed at the window but there was method in her design.       Lace curtains incorporate light and beauty with craft, effectively feminizing the interior of this room.           The entire feeling of each of these rooms has been transformed into a kind of magical world of delicacy and refinement. No minimalism here. Instead a curious kind of fragility.   Yes. Here too a simple vinyl roller blind tucked up underneath any of these curtains would add to the privacy and warmth most of us need at night. Our forebears were solving these puzzles of what to do with the window long before modern methods. Besides, isn't minimalism a little too masculine sometimes? A little too utilitarian? Doesn't minimalism oc...

Cleaning can be tiresome or tricky

From my multi-talented customers I have received various

How to Fix Venetian Blinds |

Fixing Venetian Blinds the best site for this is : How to Fix Venetian Blinds where you will find all sorts of practical advice about cleaning and repairing. A fine resource that covers most of the important details.

Inchworm, inchworm, measuring, measuring

Measure twice or even thrice! For a blind to fit inside your window casing.... you will want a metal tape measure to check the depth of your window casing at the top corners. Or to say it another way, the distance from the glass forward to the edge of your trim. Write it down. You will need it. Then measure three times across the width of the window , top, middle & bottom on the inside of the casing side to side. Write down the narrowest width, that is the one you want. Then measure top to bottom, on the inside of the casing - twice. Write down the longest - that is your length. For blinds that will sit on the outside of your window trim , you want the width across the casing from the edge of the trim to the edge of the trim . Once again measure 3 times, this time take the widest measurement. For the length, measure from the outside of the trim to the outside of the trim top to bottom. There you want the longest length . And now you are done. All the other choices for colour, sty...


Change. Window treatments are about Change . Marriage, divorce, birth, death, a new home, a new apartment, a new pet, a new roommate, new paint, new wallpaper, new flooring, even new nosier neighbours all these and more are reasons to find new window coverings. Often the desire or need for new window coverings reflects an inner change. Change, whether inner or outer, can reveal itself in how we relate to our surroundings. So. What is different with you? Why do you need new window coverings? And what is it that you really want? For even the choice of window covering, curtain, shade, blind, or shutter can reveal more to you about your inner self than you might think. You will be surprised sometimes by what you really want, and inevitably it will reveal some conscious or unconscious feelings and emotions. But not always. Sometimes a blind is just a blind.