Men & Women & Blinds
Men, Women & Blinds Each of us sees things in an unique way. When it comes to window coverings there are significant differences between the sexes. What I am about to say is not about ALL men or ALL women but rather a quiet observation. Many men seem to prefer blinds over fabric curtains. This might be because blinds are mechanical and fabric has different associations for them. (too girly) Given a choice, and many men do not get to make these choices.... men prefer darker colours, and wood over fabric. Natural wood over vinyl that looks like wood is also a favourite. I have a small theory about this. For men home is a safe place. A place where they can let down their guard, be themselves. Home reflects the cave of antiquity where they rest after the rigours of combat in the world. To put it another way - after the dangers of the hunt, downtime and rest is needed to restore the energie...