
Showing posts with the label arched window coverings
What to do with those arched windows? Palladian Windows and their nineteenth century cousins, eyebrow arches are beautiful, letting in lots of light and warmth. Sometimes those beautifully curved arches let in too much light, heating up the house, or making the most intimate areas of the home just a little too visible to others. We all need a certain amount of privacy. They are great looking windows but they can be problematic and difficult to cover without a great deal of expense. Most of these window covering ideas are gleaned from various sources. They will take a bit of time and energy to re-create. Happily, each project lets you choose exactly the colours, prints, or degree of coverage you need. Imagine creating your own  custom blind by and for your own unique circumstances. Here are a few links to resources for making those window coverings. Japanese Lace Paper or o...