
Showing posts with the label measuring blinds

Inchworm, inchworm, measuring, measuring

Measure twice or even thrice! For a blind to fit inside your window casing.... you will want a metal tape measure to check the depth of your window casing at the top corners. Or to say it another way, the distance from the glass forward to the edge of your trim. Write it down. You will need it. Then measure three times across the width of the window , top, middle & bottom on the inside of the casing side to side. Write down the narrowest width, that is the one you want. Then measure top to bottom, on the inside of the casing - twice. Write down the longest - that is your length. For blinds that will sit on the outside of your window trim , you want the width across the casing from the edge of the trim to the edge of the trim . Once again measure 3 times, this time take the widest measurement. For the length, measure from the outside of the trim to the outside of the trim top to bottom. There you want the longest length . And now you are done. All the other choices for colour, sty...