Great window coverings on Pinterest I find that I am spending way too much time on this site. Addictive in nature it is also an excellent site to view blinds, and window coverings. It is all there in delightful colour and great photos. So here is the address for my board and my secret desires but don't stop there there are so many excellent boards for window coverings and blinds.... a veritable bounty of ideas. Everything from do it yourself ideas for window coverings to high, high end window coverings in elegant palaces. Even window coverings from around the world. This site is a designer's delight! http://www.pinterest.com/kundalini88/blinds-window-coverings/pins/ http://www.pinterest.com/pin/529595237403019981/ I just had to add one more. You will find a great many other BOARDS that have a multitude of images. Enjoy.