Multifilm blinds

Multifilm Blinds

As with so many modern inventions, Multifilm Roller blinds come from Germany. On the links below you will find videos of how this material works. I have not found blinds similar to this in North America yet.

They are available in a variety of modern finishes. Basically designed for the modern office towers and buildings where there is plenty of glass and too much heat and glare. They are designed to be practically invisible, meaning that you can still see the view easily while the heat and light is modified. Take the time to look carefully at the video... it shows how these blinds are manufactured. I just wish the video was in English.

At the very bottom of the website another fine product line called
MULTIDECOR Screen +. Another way in which to promote your products or services. Well worth a look if you are a budding entrepreneur looking for a better way to advertise.
Here is the link for that:


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